Group Precedent Review - Project Evaluation

tl;dr We need to look at projects out in the world with a critical eye. Just because a project looks cool in documentation, doesn’t mean it was successful.

Group Share - 10 minutes

(2 minutes per project)

Break up into groups of 5 people. Each person will present their precedent research from the previous week. Presenters should talk about the work in their own words, describing it as they see fit.

Project Eval - 20 minutes

(4-5 minutes per project)

After each presentation, the group evaluates the project based on the below criteria. The person who presented the work should take notes on the group discussion as a bullet points in a reply to the original post on Slack.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Who is the intended audience?

  2. Who commissioned this work (ie, who paid for it)

  3. Was the project successful? a. how do you think it looked in real life (environmental realities, camera vs vision, etc)

    b. do you think the intended audience understood or could experience completely?

  4. What doesn’t work here?

    a. what do you think the documention isn’t showing?

  5. What do you want to take from this project

    a. technique

    b. style

    c. conceptual approach

    d. etc